PLS Staff

Pisgah Legal Services employs attorneys, client advocates, fundraisers and legal support staff who are committed to providing free legal help to thousands of local people each year.

Our offices are located in Asheville, Burnsville, Hendersonville, Highlands/Cashiers, Franklin, Marshall, Morganton, Newland, Rutherfordton, Spruce Pine and Waynesville.

Contact us via email or call (828) 253-0406 or toll-free: 1-800-489-6144.

Executive Director
Jaclyn Kiger, 828-210-3415

To Contact Staff Attorneys, call 828-253-0406 or 1-800-489-6144.

Managing Attorneys and Directors

James Gorsuch, Managing Attorney: Legal Intake Systems & Client Access
Julia Horrocks, Managing Attorney: Domestic Violence and Immigration
Mike McDonald, Managing Director of WNC Health and Economic Opportunity Program
Katie Russell MillerManaging Director of Community Engagement

Staff Attorneys

David Bartholomew
Nick Bondurant
Parris Booker
Patricia Caddell
Brian Dufresne
Becca Eden
Frank Fischer
Katherine Freeman
Shoshana Fried
Claire Gaposchkin
Leonel Gonzalez
Misty Greene
Ryan Hamady
Jaclyn Helton
Genevieve Holmes
Thomas Lodwick
Molly Maynard
Kate Merlin
Hannah Michalove
Megan O’Dell
Jacob Oakes
Madeline McKeller Offen
Justin Pack
Michael Puterbaugh
Chris Reed
John Rogers
Nora Ryan
Casey Steen
Andrew Stevenson
Ed Treat
Gabrielle Trott
Jenna Walley
Robert Wharton

Client Services and Legal Support Staff

Yeltsin Aguilar
Katie Alexander
Naomi Alicea-Rosado
Melissa Arbelius-Poole
Karla Bongiovanni
Rhonda Brown
Perla Bustos
Jennifer Calloway
Hannah Campbell
Natalia Capozziello
Cristhian Carvajal Murcia
Patricia Casey Mondor
Jewel Clavette
Alejandra Coleman
Chris Collins
Kortney Conner
Flor Corral
Vanessa De Maria
Sarah DeArmon
Joan Dennehy
Alicia Díaz
Jeanne DiBella
Lakeisha Dula
Donna Etter
Lanna Evans
Ramiro Flores Diaz
Patricia Furnish
Benito Garcia
Kristianna Gasparjan
Joanne Gaylord
Kelly Goode
River Hachet
Pamier Hernandez
Ali Houghton
Thalia Hoy
Joanna Johnson
Colyn Kilmer
Erin Kinard
Claire Kolberg
Melissa Lacy
Sandra Leyva Chavez
Stefani Maldonado
Maxine McLaughlin
Veronica Medina Irizarry
Julio Moncada
Chloe Nicola
Sam Peck
Noel Poindexter
Suzanne Ponder
Andrea Robles-Leon
Christy Rhodes
Ivonne Rojo Resendiz
Jean Rowe
Erin Ryan
Hector Salgado
Claire Scanga
Ilona Stanback
Jessi Stone
Sheila Tucker

Accounting and Human Resources

Shannon Adams, CFO/Controller
Franchesca Figaro, Accountant
Samantha Winn Galloway, Director of Human Resources & Facilities
Stuart Johnson-Kwochka, IT Specialist
Katie Latino, HR Generalist
Georgia Lawrence, Bookkeeper
Craig Shapley, HR and Facilities Coordinator

Community Engagement
Daniel Carey, Regional Development Officer, 828-210-3452
Kyle Cole, Grants Coordinator, 828-341-4415
Stefanie Gerber, Grants Coordinator, 828-210-3772
Tracey Gruver, Leadership and Legacy Giving Officer, 828-210-3403
Barbara Guffy, Donor Relations Coordinator, 828-229-2525
Rebekah Lewis, Communications and Content Manager, 828-210-3405
Leslie Manning, Regional Development Officer, 828-575-1353
Lori Nierzwick, Donor Engagement and Events Manager, 828-818-5474
Michelle SpiegelDonor Relations Assistant, 828-210-3773
Valerie True, Grants Director, 828-210-3410
Carrie Underwood, Grants Coordinator, 828-210-3419
Evie Sandlin White, Communications Director, 828-210-3430
Ally Wilson, Chief Development Officer, 828-210-3444 

Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer Program
Max Gibbons, Director of Pro Bono Services, 828-463-3105

Volunteer Program
Beth Herrman, General Screening Coordinator, 828-210-3787
Jennifer Collier Wilson, Director of Volunteer Engagement, 828-435-2031

Jackie Kiger

Jackie Kiger (Jesse Kitt Photo)

Jaclyn “Jackie” Kiger is the new Executive Director of Pisgah Legal Services. She has worked with the organization since 2010.

Jackie started her career at Pisgah Legal Services as a public benefits and housing  attorney, advanced to become a Managing Attorney, then Chief Operations Officer before taking on her new role as the organization’s Executive Director.