PLS serves Western North Carolina’s growing population of recent immigrant residents. Recent immigrants face many of the same difficulties as other low-income individuals who seek access to the justice system; these difficulties are often compounded by a language barrier. Pisgah Legal Services provides legal aid to help low-income immigrants who are eligible to secure legal immigration status and/or work authorization. PLS is only able to help those immigrants who are eligible for legal status but need assistance through the complex and bureaucratic application process.

For instance, PLS may help someone who is eligible for legal status because they are married to a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident. We may assist a crime victim who is eligible for legal status because they helped prosecute the perpetrator of the crime. By helping an immigrant secure legal status, PLS is often providing immigrants with the means to lift their families out of poverty.

PLS also helps immigrants address other basic needs, such as housing, safety and education. For example, what access do immigrants have to NC Medicaid? Learn more in English or Spanish by reading these brochures created by a partnership between PLS, the NC Justice Center and Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy.

PLS’ immigration team works with immigrants in the 18 westernmost counties of NC.

Do You Need Help?

Apply online  for services or call PLS at (828) 253-0406 or toll-free at (800) 489-6144.

“Pisgah Legal Services helps immigrants in Western North Carolina navigate the United States’ complex immigration laws. Whether an immigrant has recently arrived in our community or has lived here for decades, our team assists individuals seeking to better understand their legal situation, and to apply for work authorization or permanent residency if they are eligible.

While there are many pathways to residency, our team focuses on helping the most vulnerable immigrants in our community, including survivors of domestic violence or other violent crimes, children and youth, and those fleeing persecution. Assisting immigrants to overcome barriers to obtaining work authorization and residency meets Pisgah Legal Services’ core mission of lifting individuals and families in Western North Carolina out of poverty.”

– Jacob Oakes, PLS Immigration Attorney and Program Director of the Justice for All Program