We cannot turn our backs on survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse
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Recently, area nonprofits learned of drastic funding cuts to services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and human trafficking. Close to two million dollars will be cut from local nonprofits beginning October 1, 2021- cuts that could disrupt or end services for those who need it most.
In a recent Asheville Citizen Times Op-Ed former North Carolina Senator Terry Van Duyn asks Buncombe County Commissioners to allocate American Relief Plan Act (ARPA) funding to help bridge the gaps caused by these drastic funding cuts.
She writes, “these [domestic violence prevention] services are critical to our community, especially as the pandemic continues. According to the United Nations, all types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has intensified since the outbreak of COVI D-19, a phenomenon called the “Shadow Pandemic.”
Categories: Domestic Violence