Leave Your Legacy of Justice
Attorneys have been the lifeblood of Pisgah Legal Services for almost 40 years. Thank you for your support and leadership.
We need your help to continue the fight for justice for low-income people in WNC for generations to come.
We hope you will join a special group of generous attorneys—The Founding Attorneys, who have made gifts to Pisgah Legal Services’ Endowment.
You can make a legacy gift or cash gift to Pisgah Legal Services’ Endowment and become a Founding Attorney.
You may use this Statement of Intent, contact PLS Executive Director Jim Barrett at (828) 210-3420, or talk with your financial planner or attorney.
Join these generous Founding Attorneys:
Anonymous (2)
Sharon Alexander
Cynthia L. Alleman
C. Walter Allen
Garrett Artz
James W. Baley
Jan Baliles
Ervin L. Ball, Jr.
Frederick Barbour
Susan Barbour
Jim Barrett
Sharon Tracey Barrett
Leah M. Broker
Shelley M. Brown
Victor W. Buchanan
Jones P. Byrd
Christopher Campbell
Lucien Capone, III
David M. Carter
Gary S. Cash
William H. Christy
Eva Clement
Max O. Cogburn, Jr.
Steven D. Cogburn
Sarah V. Corley
Rebecca Crandall
Walter Currie
John S. Curry
Rick Daniels
Walter E. Daniels, III
Barbara Ann Davis
David K. Davis
Roy W. Davis, Jr.
Sara Davis
R. Walton Davis, III
Robert J. Deutsch
Susan “Smitty” Dotson-Smith
Andrea F. Dray
Joanne Dykes
James M. Edmonds
Cynthia Eller
James Ellis
Kerry Friedman
Thomas K. Gallagher
David Gantt
Jason Gast
Frank Goldsmith
Alex Gomes
Tikkun Gottschalk
Brian Gulden
Robert H. Haggard
Anna Hamrick
Edward C. Hay, Jr.
Ward Hendon, Jr.
William Glen Heedy
J. Calvin Hill
David R. Hillier
E. Thomison Holman
Cynthia Holman
Julia Horrocks
Marguerite Huggins
Kenneth Hunt
Steven Andrew Jackson
Roger James
Zephyr Jost
Phillip Kelley
John Kelso
Jay A. Kerr, Jr.
Jaclyn Kiger
Julie Klipp Nicholson
Caroline T. Knox
Sheila M. Lambert
Dennis Lanahan
Coalter G. Lathrop
Bentley Leonard
Virginia Litzenberger
Robert B. Long, Jr.
Lee Anne Mangone
Ben Many
John W. Mason
Barry L. Master
Molly Maynard
Larry S. McDevitt
Diane Kay McDonald
Joseph P. McGuire
Joy McIver
Robin Merrell
W. Carleton Metcalf
Brittany J. Moore
Ron L. Moore
William C. Morris, III
John D. Noor
William A. Parker
Ronald Payne
Mark Pinkston
Robert M. Pitts
Jack Poisson
Martin Reidinger
Ray Reiser
Cindy M. Rice
Robert E. Riddle
Michelle Rippon
Robert J. Robinson
Sabrina Rockoff
Philip Roth
Marc Rudow
Steven C. Schnedler
Richard Schumacher
Ward D. Scott
Adam Shealy
Tom Siekman
Jim Siemens
Thomas Sinks
Steven Weir Sizemore
Philip J. Smith
Sam Snead
Ronald Sneed
Carole Spainhour
O.E. Starnes
John S. “Jack” Stevens
Karl H. Straus
Andrew Strauss
John R. Sutton, Jr.
Allan Tarleton
Michael Thompson
Alan Thornburg
Sarah Thornburg
William J. Trull, Jr.
John Veazey
Jean Wright Veilleux
Curtis Venable
Carter B. Webb
Theresa M. Weber
Bryant D. Webster
William J. Whalen
T. Douglas Wilson, Jr.
Susan Wilson
Anne Winner
Dennis Winner
William F. Wolcott, III
Ann Young
Patricia K. Young
F. Lachicotte “Lach” Zemp, Jr.
Thank you for your support!
“My wife Pat & I have taken steps to perpetuate our annual gift to PLS so our support continues long into the future. I hope you will also perpetuate your giving to Pisgah Legal Services.”
– Phil Smith, Attorney,
The Van Winkle Law Firm, and
Co-Chair of the PLS Endowment Campaign